Survival Skills You Can Learn Indoors
Sometimes we find ourselves indoors, and either unwilling or unable to go outdoors. This is the perfect opportunity for some survival skills you can learn indoors.
The best way to learn is by doing, the second best way is by instruction, and the least effective, but the most common way that people learn, is by reading.
In modern times it is common to learn from videos, popular sources of information are YouTube or online course providers such as Udemy, Coursera, or Lynda. And while online instructions are great. Nothing beats hands-on practice.
Regardless of your survival skill level, there are several survival skills you can learn indoors.
Survival Skills You Can Learn Indoors While Sitting On Your Couch
We shall start our indoor survival learning experience, with skills that can be practiced while sitting comfortably on the couch.
Knot Tying
The ability to tie a good knot is a great skill to have, not only in a survival situation but in everyday life. It is also one of the easiest skills to learn while chilling on the couch, it can be done while watching TV or just relaxing. Learn the Survival Knots Everyone Needs to Learn. Once you have memorized those and their applications, move on to more advanced knots. A good resource is Animated Knots by Grog
A lost art that at one time the majority of people knew is how to sew. This skill will come in handy in a wide variety of survival situations. Everything from patching up gear to clothes. Being self-reliant means being able to fix things yourself, from the big stuff to the little stuff like a tear in your pants.
Whittling Wood
Whittling wood is a very relaxing hobby, whittle anything from a simple Try Stick to spoons, forks, and figurines. Wood whittling will improve knife skills, dexterity and after you are done whittling. It will teach you how to sharpen the edge of your blade since the blade will definitely need a touch up .
Lock Picking
This is an urban survival skill, often neglected, but in some situations, it can come in handy. Not only will it teach you how to open a lock without the keys, but it will highlight security issues in your own home. If you can pick the lock of your home, it’s time to get a better lock. For more information on how to get started lock picking as a hobby. Have a peek at this article Lock Picking An Urban Survival Skill

Net Making
While it looks easy, net weaving takes a bit of practice. Nets can be made from just about any rope or string and can be used to catch fish or birds. They can be used as a component in a trap. Or weave some plants or foliage into them to make a great camouflage.
Basket Weaving
Weaving a basket on the couch can get a little messy, so just be aware of that. But they do come in handy for foraging, and as containers. While not an essential skill to learn, be aware. In the great outdoors, you may find a need for a container and they don’t just grow on trees. Oh, wait.. They do grow on trees, it’s just that there is some assembly required.
Intellectual Survival Skills To Learn While At Home
Maybe you just aren’t up for learning practical survival skills, you are too tired, you are injured, or just not in the mood. There are always things that you can learn without moving around too much.
Learn A Foreign Language
Learning a second or even third language is a great skill to have. Yeah, movies depict survivalists as being tough people all alone in a devastated world. But in real life, the chances are that you will meet people. And being able to understand them would be great. This one is easy. You can learn a foreign language through a variety of media. A book, audio, free online resources, phone apps or take an online course.
Read Books On Foraging
Like to read books? Read a few on foraging around your area, memorize the descriptions, look at the photos and see what you recognize. Learn to identify edible plants, herbs, and fungi. In the past, a vast majority of the population knew how to forage. In modern times this is a dying art. If you want the Ultimate Compilation of Survival Books. Check out The Best Survival Books of 2020

Map Reading
Get a map of your area. Learn to read maps, locate landmarks you know, and plot courses to destinations that you would like to visit. Memorize routes that you take often and that you would like to explore in the future. Map reading is a great way to improve memory and a sense of direction.

Watch A Survival Show
Yeah, I know, many of the survival shows out there is pure TV. Staged and often quite hilarious. But poke holes in them, see what they did and think about how you would have handled the situation if you were in their shoes. Often we can learn a lot just by seeing what other people have done. And if they have done it wrong, well.. We learn from that as well.
Survival Skills You Can Learn Indoors, Get Up And Move Around
Sitting on the couch and practicing survival skills is great. But if you are getting restless and still stuck indoors. Get up and practice some great indoor essential life skills. And if they end up being survival skills, well, that’s a bonus right there.
Get Fit
Just because you are stuck indoors does not mean you can’t get fit. Exercise, because being fit and healthy will make a lot of difference in a survival situation. Got a 60lb Bug-Out bag? Get fit enough to carry that for miles at a time. There are dozens of exercises that you can do daily in the comfort of your own home.
Martial Art / Self Defense
Self-defense should is a great way to not only stay fit but to be able to defend yourself from an attacker. Yes, avoiding conflict is always the better option. But sometimes that just isn’t possible, and for those occasions. Learn self-defense, it will not only keep you fit and keep you safe. But it will also boost your confidence in your ability to handle yourself when confronted by an opponent.
Is Cooking A Survival Skill? Yes it is. Learn to be self-reliant and cook for yourself. Grab a cook book and whip up an easy meal. The satisfaction you feel as you consume what you yourself have prepared is almost as good as the meal you cooked.
Soap Making
Another lost skill, sigh.. We sure did lose a lot of basic skills. TBH, this is on my list of things to learn. I will get back to you all on this one as soon as I have tried to make some soap at home. I know how to do it in theory. But have not gotten around to it yet. So while I do recommend learning how to make soap. Until I do it, I have no idea how easy or difficult it is.
Just because you are indoors, does not mean that you have to stop learning or practicing survival skills. There is always something to learn, some skills to practice, and ways to improve yourself.
If you have any ideas or other skills that can be learned indoors, please do share. It would be greatly appreciated.