Emergency Car Kit
No matter how well maintained a vehicle is, they do break down, and usually at the most inconvenient place and time. An emergency car kit could save a life or in less dramatic scenarios save a lot of time and possibly an involuntary overnight nap in the vehicle.
Emergency Car Kit Vs Bug Out Bag
Why do I need an emergency car kit if I have a bug-out bag? While similar, there are differences. A car emergency kit has items that are meant to get a vehicle up and running A.S.A.P, and if that is not possible. It should have everything you need to sustain the occupants of the vehicle for 72 hours.
I remember a friend calling me in the middle of the night, her car had a flat tire, it was monsoon season, raining cats and dogs. She had a spare and a jack. But it was pitch black, raining and of all things, she didn’t have a light. So for lack of something so small as a torchlight, she was stranded.

Pre-assembled Emergency Kits
Now let us discuss emergency car kits, there are a ton of pre-assembled kits on the market, most are just junk, a collection of cheap items thrown into a bag and marketed as an emergency car kit. People buy them because they are cheap and they pack a ton of crap in there.
There are a couple of decent ones, but in my opinion, the decent ones are overpriced for the quality of items in them, and they are either too specific (car repair) or too wildly diverse and missing essential items.
The Best Emergency Car Kit
The best is one you assemble yourself. Specific to your needs. It will have everything you need. Here is a recommended list of items that will cover a large variety of situations, just remember to customize this list, add in items specific to you, and remove items that you know you will not need. Eg: skip snow chains for tires if you live in the tropics.
Some people enjoy online shopping, others don’t, for those who don’t want the hassle of searching for every item on our list. We have linked the items that are not area or vehicle specific.
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So let us start with the basic items your car needs:
Car Emergency Kit
Trunk organizer – if you can’t afford one, use an empty crate, box, or DIY something up. But do have a container to keep this stuff from rolling around in the trunk.
Jumper cables – check the gauge needed for your vehicle.
Flat tire inflation canister – quick and easy to inflate a flat tire, just be aware that this is a short-term solution meant only to get to the nearest mechanic.
Car fire extinguisher – hopefully this item is self-explanatory, if not erm if you see a fire, put it out.
Oil – for the car, not the cooking kind.
Anti-freeze – for the radiator.
Spare tire and jack – check the tire regularly.
Spare car fuses and bulbs – learn how to change them.
Gas can – at least 2 liters
Towing straps – I prefer them to chains, just be careful using them.
Duct tape – amazing the number of things that can be patched up with a little bit of duct tape.
Mini Tool kit – Adjustable wrench, pliers, screwdrivers, etc
Road flare or Glow Sticks – A surprising number of accidents occur when a vehicle breaks down and gets rear-ended because other drivers do not the see broken-down vehicle.
Warning Triangle – use these as well as the hazard lights to avoid getting squished by a passing trailer.
Extras :
Battery powered jumper.
Passengers Emergency Car Kit
Now that the car has a nice little kit all ready to look after its well-being, it is time to prepare for the passengers well being.
No 1 on the list is a Seatbelt cutter and Window Breaker (2 in one would be great). To be kept within arms reach of the driver at all times.
Glove compartment items:
Map, compass, gloves, torchlight, glow stick, mylar blanket, multi-tool, pen, and paper.

Trunk Kit
Bag – to pack all this in.
First Aid Kit – learn how to use the items in the first aid kit.
Water and portable survival water filter : 3 gallons at least and either a Sawyer mini or Lifestraw.
Survival food – 3600 calorie survival food.
Blanket – wool or fleece would be good.
Mylar blanket – cheap and packs compact.
Tarp – can be used as a makeshift shelter.
Spare clothes suited to the environment – poncho, winter jacket, gloves, socks.
Small sanitation pack – wet wipes, anti-bacterial soap, paper towels, clean hand towels, trash bags, hand sanitizer, etc.
Ferrocerium rod – for emergency fire starting.
Car cell phone charger – just leave it in the car at all times.
Knife. I cannot stress how handy a knife is in a survival scenario. but sadly this tool that man has been using for thousands of years is now illegal in many parts of the world. Before throwing one of these in an emergency car kit. Check local knife carry laws. Editors Pick of Best Survival Knife
Yeah, I know, a lot of these items are already listed in the Ultimate FREE Bug Out Bag Checklist, but, not everyone carries their bug-out bag on commutes or road trips (although they should if it is a long commute), and some of the items listed here are specifically for vehicle emergencies. Prepare the kit, put it in your vehicle, and not only are you prepared, but you will have peace of mind.
This list of items will cover most scenarios, but there are always items that could be regionally specific, make sure to add those in, for example, if you live in a country where the winters get cold, add in ice scrapers, snow tire chains, winter sleeping bags, etc.
Or if in a country/area where it is really hot, more water, a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, chapstick, electrolyte powder, etc.